
Thank you very much to both my sponsors! Both great quality companies.

Click the links below to check them out!

Recovery aftercare

Recovery Aftercare offers a variety of sea salt products that clean, hydrate, and oxygenate the skin for healthy piercing recovery. These products are all-natural and do not contain CFCs, drugs, preservatives, or other additives. Rejuvenate, revitalize, and revive the skin with this fabulous line of organic products, sold both as pre-mixed solutions and ready-to-mix salt crystals.

peak needles

PEAK's mission is to provide cutting edge tattoo equipment for both new and experienced tattoo professionals. The Onyx Cartridge, Blood Cartridge, and Grip allow tattoo artists to enhance their workflow without compromising on quality or safety. At PEAK we value both heritage but remain future minded. This is the ideology propelling PEAK to the peak of tattoo technology. PEAK products are at the forefront of the industry so artists can make a lasting mark.